Kamis, 25 September 2014

Islamic Religiosity and Development of Zakat Institution

Saprinal Manurung. Abstract. Most researchers have concluded that religiosity is a strong belief ofthe individual in carrying out the religious orders properly. It can bealso the basis for applying the values of religion as a whole to achievehappiness in this world and hereafter. Meanwhile, religiosity also makesa positive contribution in the advancement and development of sociallife.
In the view of Islam, religiosity provides individuals an importantrole in implementing the commitment to run all the basic principles ofIslam. One of the commitments in the Islamic religiosity is an obligationto redistribute wealth in the form of Zakah, to purify the wealth andalso create fairness in the distribution of wealth and income. We haveunderstood that the distribution of Zakah has two important dimensions,the first relating to compliance in carrying out the commands of Allah(Hablumminallah) and the second creates a sense of fairness andconcern among fellow Muslims (Hablumminannas). Specifically in thesocial dimension (Hablumminannas), the distribution of Zakah can bean important factor in the process of social and economic developmentof society. Therefore, in this paper we seeks to describe how religiosity can contribute to development, focusing especially on the role of Islamic religiosity in the development of Zakah institutions to improvethe welfare of Muslims.

Keywords: Religiosity, Religious, Islamic Religiosity, zakah, social,economic, and development
Manurung, Saprinal (2013). Islamic Religiosity and Development of Zakat Institution. Qizis Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(2). 197-220.
ISSN: 2355-1895

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