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Senin, 29 September 2014
Minggu, 28 September 2014
Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis: Konsep dan Aplikasi
Peneliti pemula seperti mahasiswa S1 dan S2 umumnya mengalami kendala dalam menulis proyek penelitian mereka. Kendala tersebut umumnya terletak pada kemampuan untuk menginterpretasikan pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama pembelajaran metodologi penelitian ke dalam praktik penulisan proposal dan laporan penelitian.
Jumat, 26 September 2014
The Concept of Economic Development in The Thought of Selected Muslim Scholars
Saprinal Manurung. Abstract. Objective - Islam is a total way of life, and covers all dimensions of life. The life of the world is temporary; it is simply a transitional place before one embarks on final destination. Bearing this mind, the worldly life should be framed within Islamic paradigm, but that should not hinder Muslims to make progress and development in this temporary world as evidenced in history.
Kamis, 25 September 2014
Islamic Religiosity and Development of Zakat Institution
Saprinal Manurung. Abstract. Most researchers have concluded that religiosity is a strong belief ofthe individual in carrying out the religious orders properly. It can bealso the basis for applying the values of religion as a whole to achievehappiness in this world and hereafter. Meanwhile, religiosity also makesa positive contribution in the advancement and development of sociallife.
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